So I just replace my alternator with a Brand New, not rebuilt Alternator. when I have done this in the past, and it was wayyyy in the past on a Volkswagen, I remember the voltage while the car is running to be just over 14 volts. But the alternator I just replaced is putting out 13.1 while running, with a small drop to 12.9 with the lights on. I admit that I did not pay attention to what it was putting out before there was a problem, so how about it, anyone else with a Gen 2 outback (Im talking to you JAC) having what seems to me to be low out output issues? Or, is this perfectly within range? It runs fine, stays at 13 volts, all the warning lights are gone. The problem appears to be solved. Maybe thats the voltage they run at?

Incidentally, when I took the old, and what I think is the original alternator out, (Im the second owner, so I cant be sure) it had a badge on it stating "Re manufactured for Subaru". Has anyone else seen this? Just wondering if that is standard practice for Subaru. Nothing wrong with that either though. If it was the original, it lasted 178,000 miile. I could only hope to get that out of my new one.