First I would like to say thank you to everyone who is a premium member and vendor on this site. You all have my deepest thanks. Without you this would not be possible at all.

Second, as I sit here and type this some of you might have heard that I was going to throw in the towel for I.G.O.T.A. I have had some issues that have constantly been a huge bother to me. So I sat down and looked at the issues that are giving me a hard time and its the Facebook group I have created. I created that group to promote the forum and give people a place to quickly chat. Well it has gotten out of control and now instead of throwing in the towel I'm going to step up and deal with the monster I have created. Why should I give up because of some people that don't know how to follow the rules. Here is what we are going to do about this issue.

I have already created a new Facebook group for premium members and added them to that new group. We feel if your a premium member then you will follow the rules and want to be apart of a great community. We understand we are not for everyone and that's OK. I have been told from a few people who are not on the forum that we have tons of drama. No we don't. Facebook is separate from this community! Its a few people who ruin it for everyone, but I won't let them here and that drives them nuts. This is a safe haven to learn and be respected. We are all equal here. No one is better than the next.

When I created I.G.O.T.A. a few years ago I had a dream to be the best at what I did. I wanted a place to learn and make new friends without power hungry admins or mods on a power trip. I wanted a place that stood for something. I stand for being honest, truthful, devoted, so why couldn't I do it in a community? I hear from so many people that they can't stand the other communities because of the drama. Well you wouldn't find it here. If you do your the one making it and will be shown the ban hammer. We watch and protect this site daily and won't let anyone attack you or hurt you here. You have my word.

Now another thing about how we run I.G.O.T.A. We are a 100% legit company. We have bills to pay like any normal business. This company is not cheap to run and people think I make a ton of money. You are very far from the truth. I have put in over 2 years of my time and all my mod money from my STi to make this a great community. I have also turned down 4 vendors so far as they had a bad reputation. My members mean more to than some vendors money. I put every dime back into the company and products to be the best. We want to be the best for you and that takes time and money. Our bills are very high because we run the best equipment. Like a new server, programs, new products to sell, and so one. So please donate or become a premium member today. We give give and keep on giving.

I also wanted to take the time to thank all my admins and mods because you guys have done a great job with the community. I never have to go anywhere else to get correct information about my Subaru. I truly thank you all.

So as I sit here I will be talking to my admins, mods, and vendors and will be working on a solution. I would like to delete that Facebook group, but I'm going to see if there is a different route we can go. Thank you all for your time, money, and support! Your the best!