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Thread: 1992 Subaru SVX

  1. Top Of Page | #1
    Basic Member SVXjunky's Avatar

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    Post 1992 Subaru SVX

    Parting out a silver 92' SVX, at the moment the only thing not available is the engine...most glass windows are available except the driver side roll up window, interior is in really bad shape but could salvage electronic wiring or other miscellaneous parts.

    Parts out of car and ready.
    original - brake master cylinder
    original - radiator
    original - front brake calipers x2

    you can email me for any info or questions about certain parts.

    Not trying to make big money just parting out original parts that might be hard to find for this rare car.

    thank you for your time.

  2. Top Of Page | #2
    Basic Member paradigmus's Avatar

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    Re: 1992 Subaru SVX

    Why don't you take it to a scrap yard? I mean the parts that you can't salvage yourself. When my dad's van broke down irreversibly I went online searching where I could scrap my car near me as I was not willing to pay a lot of money for transport. So I took the van to a nearby scrap yard and got rid of it. It was a huge relief as it was taking a lot of space and time. That's why I recommend that you do the same and get rid of that old piece of metal all at once. You won't make much profit off those parts only waste a lot of time.

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