So here is the story:
My buddy and I went to go eat and on the way back home it got dark. We were going down a usually busy street across from a school. So there was this car parked on the opposite side of the road and it had its lights on and I guess the cat was under that or something because I didn't see it on the street or anything. By the time we got closer to the car it shut its lights off and my eye were adjusting to the dark again. (you know if something bright is in your eyes and it turns off it takes like 2 seconds to adjust back to normal?) So as soon as the lights of the other turn off a cat just speeds right in from of me, I brake and try to avoid hitting it but my "swerve" ended up going directly into the cat. I felt the bump of running over it. So I immediately pull over to see what just happened. I look on the street, no cat to be seen. Under my car, still no cat. There is 0 blood. So I take a look at my bumper and there is a crack in it with some cat fur stuck in between the crack. The damage is barley visible but the whole bottom of the bumper is cracked into two pieces =(. Good thing nothing happened to the cat because I wouldn't know what to do. Well, there is my story.