I'm almost done with the screw ups he created...correction, I'm almost done paying for all the screw ups he made.
This thread is to warn other in hopes that they choose wisely with ANY shop they decide to go with. I strongly suggest doing some extensive research on the builders past builds (real builds), customer reviews (not his personal friends) and time doing it.
I chose this after all the hype on FB with him starting a new shop and while it started great with many high hopes it went sour QUICK.
Here's my take on why not to chose this guy
- over promise and under deliver. Was numerous my car was going to be done only to drive 4 hours away and the car still be in pieces. Never did he call or let me know it WASN'T going to be done.
- he always blamed everyone else. my friends left me alone and having to do it after hours, my wife sux, ran out of money, etc
- which leads me to my next reason. the guy is unstable with a lot of baggage and with poor business skills.
- half *** work.....no need to explain when you I have pics.
anything missing?
nahh it matches the other side
I guess these are better than the stock one's I gave him....
not really since they pissed all the coolant out and overheated the car after they failed within the month or so.