Hey there, my name is Mike. Im 20 and I drive an '03 Legacy B4. Im a member of a bunch of forums, and I'm quite a regular member over at SL-i.net where I am one of the guys who runs the Ride of the Month competitions, along with about three others. I thought I'd stop in here and say hi though, since you guys "recruited" me at the OCMD Subaru Meet this past June. I finally found some time to stop by and sign up.

I'm a Penn State student, and I'm moving to State College PA permanently in about two weeks. Right now though, I reside in York PA, and I'm a member of the York PA Area Subaru group (I know Bob, one of the co-owners of the group, is here. I saw his post a bit ago). Actually, I see quite a few people here that I know, which is cool.

If you guys host any meets, let me know. I attend meets like it's going out of style.

Picture of my car, then I actually have to start doing some work, becuase I'm
technically getting paid to introduce myself here.